Consulting Services
Verudix provides both consulting services and a unique suite of development products, all designed to advance the delivery of Projects and Training programs.
Verudix can help you design a program to meet the most demanding training needs of your organization, and do so in a timely manner. We offer more than a quick turnaround. We have a proven track record of delivering quality training services to organizations from colleges to multinational corporations covering a wide spectrum of projects in the following broad areas:
- Technology Planning
- Organizational Consulting
- Turn-Key Project Management
- Requirements and RFP Development
- Network Design and Implementation
- Software Selection and Contract Negotiation
- Software Installation and Customization
- Seamless Automated Data Conversion
- Integration with other Applications
- User Training and Documentation
- Custom Software Development

The five phases in our methodology are: Define, Design, Build, Deploy, and Support. Recognizing that our clients' needs vary, our methodology is flexible. Specific tasks within each phase are tailored to the unique requirements of the project.
Phase I: Define
Our Professional Services representative meets with key client executives to understand their business strategy and identify the competencies that underlie that strategy. For each competency (e.g. customer service or product development), several critical success factors are defined (e.g. product development success is determined by speed to market, accurate requirement definition, or adherence to schedule). Finally, metrics that track success against those factors are defined (e.g. requirement definition accuracy can be measured by number of engineering change orders, results of focus group surveys, or product returns). These will become the basis of the delivered Business Intelligence system, and will be prioritized to identify areas of quickest payback.
The Define phase also includes learning the details of our client's current information systems environment. We design our solutions to fit within the present technical architecture and leverage existing hardware and software assets wherever possible. Critically important is our understanding of our client's operational systems and data warehouses, as these are the sources of the data we transform into actionable information. Additionally, during the Define phase we determine applicable security requirements.
The key deliverable of the Define phase is an implementation plan that includes a project overview, scope, and work plan.
Phase II: Design
The Design phase is the foundation for the applications to be created during the subsequent Build phase. We synthesize what we learned during the Define phase and create a detailed design that may include: data extraction & transformation plan; intermediate data aggregation requirements; dimension and measure definition; report specification; delivery and display considerations; and production cutover plan. Our design will also highlight any additional hardware and software requirements.
In addition to the detailed application design, other deliverables of this phase are a thorough acceptance test plan and a training plan for both IT and end-users.
Phase III: Build
During the Build phase we work closely with your IT department to install test and production environments, then develop the application solution. Because of our comprehensive design work and familiarity with powerful development tools, the Build phase is surprisingly condensed.
The Build phase is concluded when the client has signed off on an acceptance certificate.
Phase IV: Deploy
Deployment starts with the delivery of customized training that ensures users understand the solution as delivered and their ability to take advantage of tools to explore the information further. The application is incorporated into your IT infrastructure with documented internal application support processes for tasks such as scripted periodic data refreshes and automatic distribution of reports and multidimensional cubes through a customized portal integrated with the client's existing intranet.
In addition to a working application and trained, productive users, we deliver complete application documentation and ensure that your solution integrates smoothly into your other business processes.
Phase V: Support
The Support phase includes a post-implementation audit to validate user acceptance and quantify benefits delivered by the system. Other areas of your business that could benefit from an expanded solution will be identified. Verudix also provides help-desk services to answer questions from IT or users.
Our broad spectrum of consulting services include:
- Front-end needs analysis
- Design specifications
- Development and Implementation of Instructional Materials
- Database applications development
- Process Consulting